Augmented Reality represents the Industry 4.0 technologies, which is a cutting edge and experiential technology. In 2010, when we wanted to use or sell AR technology, it involved a huge cost. There were only a few companies that could deliver 3D technology. The use of this technology was limited both on the supply side as well as the demand side. But today, there are many organisations ready to provide the 3D technology, and there are many business models that are facilitating to sell AR as service than mere technology. At 4point2 Technologies, we pass on the same advantage to our customers by making AR an affordable technology service.
With Facebook and Instagram filters, you will see a lot of business niche already created. We are not actually selling AR; we help you with rich Experiential Marketing, which gives a new dimension to your marketing strategy in addition to narrating your existing story. Experience is the new dimension we want to add to your story. We want your customers to experience the product with our solution.
With social distancing becoming the new norm while businesses are encountering uncertainty owing to a slowdown in the economy, it is not easy to scale your business and stay connected with your customers. With technological advances reshaping businesses, we help you leverage the benefits of Augmented Reality in creating an Exceptional and Experiential Digital Content.
Always at the forefront of innovation, we help you shape and redefine your business strategies, so that you can seamlessly engage with your customers, and redefine the way you market our products.
By using AR, you will be able to bridge the gap between Experience and Action that leads to increased Sales and newer Business Opportunities.
One of the main reasons why you should invest in an AR technology is to help customers make better and more informed product decisions.
Moving over human influencers, our video-spokesperson will redefine the Sales, Marketing, and
Brand Building strategies from now on. Here, AR is leveraged for enhanced experiential marketing. You can tell a beautiful story through your videos, making the sales/marketing process more interactive thus increasing your market visibility and customer service.
A video spokesperson comes live on your website and explains the entire business/services and the marketing campaign of your company. The stickiness of a visitor on a particular website increases the average view time and reduces the bounce rates. This drives a better SEO ranking for the website. The video content on the website conveys the message of experience through the usage of Augmented Reality.
With our product, adding a video spokesperson will increase the time spent by visitors on the website. This will have an immediate effect on SEO.
Google lets you track only the number of visitors for a respective page or the website. With SEO or Google AdWords, you can only increase the traffic. After traffic reaches a website, we will take it over and help you achieve a greater RoI. We help companies in optimising and a better RoI.
If a company is using AdWords, we help in converting it into an RoI through our technology. This helps in increasing the number of return customers/buyers. We do not work on lead generation; we work on lead nurturing.
Among the various services offered by 4point2technologies, we use Marketing Automation for inbound marketing; we help clients automate inbound marketing. Going forward, we will convert all services into AR, thus personalising inbound marketing.